Our Classroom

Behavior Guidelines

Students are encouraged to think and solve problems for themselves, communicate positively and respectfully, take responsibility for their actions, and interact in a productive and supportive manner, both in the classroom and on the playground. 
Image result for classroom rules
The rules are simple:
Show Respect
Make Good Decisions
Solve Problems
I do not deliberately shame or belittle students; I will hold students accountable for their actions and impose natural consequences for poor choices or inappropriate behavior through the use of a progressive discipline plan similar to the clip chart below. All students begin each day
"Ready to learn" and can move up to "Super Star" or down to "Time Out."
"Super Star" students may earn Raider Bucks, free-choice time, or a chance to hang out with Peaches.
"Time Out" can include moving desks, going to a buddy class, loss of recess, a phone call home, or a visit to the principal, depending on the severity of the action and its effect on others. 
Clip Chart
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